
Ayurveda Marin California

Let’s get well, together with
Ayurveda & Bodywork


Get started today with your personalized program based on time-tested Ayurvedic wisdom and modern approaches to well-being, designed to alleviate and avoid chronic and acute health issues. Radiant health and well-being are within reach.

All over the world, people are seeking natural health care. Many are tired of being referred between specialists never getting to the root of their pain or leave a visit without feeling seen and heard. Some may just want a different kind of care, from a practitioner who will focus on their needs and acknowledge their concerns. A holistic approach can be the best of both worlds. Learn More About Ayurveda.

Hi! I’m Emily Parker

I offer Ayurveda in Marin California and all of Marin County. I’m on a mission to not only help my clients feel better in their bodies, but remind them of who they are. Assisting other people on their health journeys expanded how I work, and helped me see that even though each person’s journey is unique, we all navigate the same blocks that come with being human.

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Ayurveda can help you address:

- Sleep disorders
- Low immunity
- Anxiety
- Digestive and gut issues
- Fatigue
- Excess weight
- Skin conditions
- Reproductive issues



Ayurvedic Consultations

Ayurvedic Consultations Marin California. Get your personalized roadmap to a healthier life. I can help guide you to get past health struggles and continue thriving at all junctures of life. Learn about what an Ayurvedic lifestyle can offer for you.

Metabolic Gut Reset

The gut is a powerful driver of health in the human body. Ayurvedic medicine offers effective protocols to reset your metabolism and help you achieve radiant longevity.

Bodywork Therapies

Going beyond the muscle, Emily offers bodywork and energy work that supports both the physical and subtle bodies to enter their natural state of self-repair. 
Now available at San Rafael, CA office.

Book a free 15-minute consultation


After working with Emily, clients have reported:

- Enjoying better focus
- Increased self-compassion and joy
- Understanding what foods work best for their bodies
- Maintaining healthy weight
- Having tools to address future issues
- Working in conjunction with a doctor to reverse a medical diagnosis
- Enjoying a better quality of life while living with chronic illness